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Thursday, 17 November 2005



Hi Kirk,

I used to really love cold ginger chicken back in the day, but for some reason, I can't stomach it anymore. I think it's just the way the chicken is prepared (Hong Kong-style with the bloody bones). I do love the ginger/green onion sauce, and I used to eat it on my rice too!


Ah, cold ginger chicken. I used to eat a lot of this when I was living in Guangzhou but I never knew what it was called. I did a lot of pointing back then. I'll have what they're having. Or I would just ask for chicken and that's what they brought.

I never knew what real chicken tasted like until I ate it in China--it was so much moister and more flavorful than the commercially raised cardboard we get here. And I like the way they serve it--hacked into bite-size pieces with all the tasty bones and skin still on.


Kirk, why no lamb for you?


Hi Reid - I still enjoy Cold Ginger Chicken; I guess the bloody bones doesn't bother me that much. I think I'll make some soon - or at least the scallion oil.

Hi Angie - It's funny that you mention chicken - when I've gotten chicken recipes from China, they always mention how things may be different here in the US, with our soft/mushy/bland chicken. Chicken & Pork are the two items that have been really dumbed down with regards to flavor here in the US.

Hi Elmo - Because it was all for Her....LOL!


Hi Kirk - I love that scallion oil too! Will you post a recipe when you make some?


Lucky Frankie and Sammy! ;)


Cold Ginger Chicken!!!! Yes!!! From the first time I tried it till now, can't get enough. Combined with the ginger/green onion sauce. What a combination!!! A chinese chef told me that if there's blood coming out from the bones, the chef isn't steaming/boiling the chicken long enough. And he's right. I never ever saw blood coming out of his cold ginger chicken. I like the ginger/green onion sauce so much, I tried it over cold somen noodles. So-so. Probably better over hot rice.

Matthew Wong

Hi Kirk.. Cool food blog.. and good job! Anyway, I'm the guy you met last week eating Sushi in San diego. I'll put one up soon and then you can link to it too!

[email protected]


Hi Candice - OK, will do!

Hi Kristy - And unlucky me! LOL!

Hi Lance - When making the chicken you've got to ride that fine line between overcooking (too tough) and not cooking it long enough. The Ginger/Green onion oil is awesome on rice - probably a bit too oily on noodles though.

Hi Matt - Funny thing, I first commented on your site back on Nov 8th, and then to run into you a few days later....what a coincidence! Let me know when you're all ready to go!


Ahh...Cold Ginger Chicken. That's my friend's favorite dish. She's from Guanzhou and I guess it's one of the hometown dishes there.

She calls it Hai Nan Chicken. I'm pretty sure it's the same dish. It definitely has the same ginger/scallion oil. I'll have to tell her where you can get it in San Diego too. She hadn't seen it down here.

She tried making the sauce for me once, but unfortunately I didn't take careful notes when she did. I think it was just four ingredients -- oil, ginger, scallion, and salt. I believe she just chopped up the ginger and scallions and, this I remember, she said that you should pulverizie it with the back of your knife to release the juices.


Hi Howie - Just don't get it mixed up with Hainan Chicken! It's just four ingredients - but it's the ratio's that matter; I also heat my oil up a bit; but just to blanch, not cook(you want to keep that appetizing green color), and bring out the sugars - currently I use my food processor, but make sure to scrape out as much as I can of the oils - I'm just too darn lazy in my old age! Any reason it's not everywhere here in San Diego?


I've always wondered why this dish is not very commmon in San Diego. Maybe there aren't enough people from Guanzhou that have moved here?

When I went to visit San Francisco, she made me go to ABC Bakery & Cafe, order 4 chickens, and drive them down to her. But I think my favorite one I had was at Koi Palace in Daly City near SF.


Hi Howie - I'm of the same opinion as you. But based on the reactions I get when I eat Kwai Fei chicken with the uninitiated; it's based on the "look" of the chicken - they tell me it looks "raw". But once they try it, they love it!



Ok, now that you've scratched the surface on how you prepare your ginger sauce, could you share your recipe. I tried making it, but just can't get it right. I always order extra ginger sauce, as after eating the ginger chicken, I just sit there and savor the ginger sauce. Yep, with somen, it was too oily. Got to try in over hot rice.


Hi Lance - I'll do a whole post on it, OK?


Great!!!! Looking forward to your future post. Thanks.... Since your "A Nimono Kind of Night", I was hope we'd be seeing more of your repertoire of culinary and homestyle dishes.


Hi Lance - Ok, ok, I'll get it done soon! :o)


Omg...I so want this recipe! My mom loves the cold ginger chicken and especially the ginger and scallion sauce. I’ve been trying to make it for her, but it just doesn’t come out right. Please post it! Thx! =)

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