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Saturday, 19 November 2005


Passionate Eater

Oh man Kirk... You've outdone yourself again! That glistening glutinous rice stuffing looks phenomenal! Plus, I have asthma now from drawing my breath in too sharply after viewing that golden creamy corn soup picture!

Would the Missus mind if I appeared at your doorstep for Thanksgiving?

Thank you for the recipes. I'll definitely try both of them since they look like they came out very well.


Hi Kirk,

I thought of making that glutinous rice stuffing myself. How did you like the flavor of it?

I probably wouldn't eat the mushrooms, but I think the scallop and corn soup would be delicious!


The mochi stuffing looks good. And I love the fact that the recipe comes from the Hawaiian Electric Co.!



The stuffing and the fresh shitakes look awesome. I can handle fresh shitakes, but dried *shudder*. Thanks for another variation on the braised shitakes! :)


Hi PE - These came out rather well, and were very easy to make.

Hi Reid - The mochi rice recipe is pretty good, though the recipe is under flavored, and can be oily - you'll need to drain the bacon well and add more soy sauce and sugar. I think the addition of a component or two may add to the dish. The Lup Cheong is the key to the whole dish.

Hi Angie - HECO has a long reputation in the Islands for creating pretty good easy recipes; I've even got one of their cookbooks pretty neat, huh? I wish SDG&E would do the same.

Hi Mills - Hope you're feeling better; the shiitakes are very good - you can start by "browning" some dried chili pepper in the oil before adding the mushrooms for some "kick" as well.

Barbara Fisher


The chef/owner of the Chinese restaurant where I worked years ago always gave a huge Thanksgiving party for his employees, friends and really good customers. It was usually the day before Thanksgiving--he would close the restaurant for the day, and he and his kitchen staff would cook several days to get ready for it.

Well, the stuffing that he used for his turkeys and ducks was the one you showed--except he used more soy sauce and sugar, and more lop cheong in it. He also sprinkled rice wine into it, and used wine to soak the mushrooms--that added considerably to the flavor profile.

It was one of the best Thanksgivings I have ever had--it was amazing.


Hi Barbara - Soaking the mushrooms in wine may just be what is needed to take this to wher it need to go. Great suggestion! Thanks.


Oh, I think I will make the braised shitakes for Thanksgiving. Since it is easy, and wont take too much time away from pie making, and the ham. This bug is still here, but I am starting to feel better or either that I am getting cabin fever. ;)


Hi Mills - Hope you recover in time to enjoy Thanksgiving! Let me know how the mushrooms turn out.


a little late, but i made these in my on campus apt quite a bit last year. a variation i used was less water, more shao xing wine, and some cornstarch to make the sauce thicker. i'm surpirsed we have basically the same recipe. go home cooking! have also tried using jiang you (thick sweet soy sauce) instead of oyster sauce, which tasted fine, and a "teriyaki" version using mirin in place of shao xing, a couple cloves of garlic, a splash of rice vinegar, green onions, and some more cornstarch or else it's kind of thin.


Hi CSB - I hope you don't mind the abbreviation....actually sounds pretty cool to me. The addition of mirin and komezu, would be a good substitution. Sounds very tasty!

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