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Friday, 21 October 2005


clare eats

mmmmm sausage ;)


Hi Clare - Wow, isn't it like almost 4am in he morning where you're at? Don't be getting sick again!


First of all, have you noticed the the bloggers in our circle are on the same "food cycle". A while back it was dim sum at the same time, then some other dish, and last night I had jambalaya too.

Next, pretty cool what the owner of the Linkery wrote. He nailed it, honest food bloggers can really help/hurt his business and we're his best resource of how to improve.

BTW...I wont mention what your first picture looked like. tsk tsk


Hi Mealcentric - It's strange isn't it? Seems like we're in tune to an "eating rhythm" of some kind. I'm waiting for Pam's and Elmo's comment on that photo! I thought that Jay's response to my comment was well thought out and written, in the end it can be a "win-win".


Very interesting what Jay has to say about how blogging could help the food scene in San Diego. If that's true, I think we're on our way because there are several new SD food blogs popping up lately.


Hi Beth - I think that Jay is very astute, and understands the potential of Food Blogging, we'll see what happens in the end.


OK, here I am with the comment. To Mealcentric's point, all of us food bloggers are on the same cycle of FOOD PORN! First my Bo 7 Mon "used condom" rice paper wrappers, then my Vietnamese new chua "sausages", now this!!!! Must be something in the air! hahahahahahaha

Seriously though, the Linkery owner seems like a cool guy!


Hi Pam - Yes, you set the standard, and raised (or is it lowered) the bar for all of us! LOL!


::rolls eyes laughing:: ARGH! I liked your portraiture! "Bratinbeer"! It was the excessive use of buns that got my itty bitty kitty brain scampering up and down the gutter.... Besides, I have a bag of 6 of those beauties waiting for an upcoming "fare thee well" meal.

Regarding jambalya without rice... I have to question the authenticity of the preparation... ::harumphs with exagerated self importance:: Not putting rice in jambalaya is something akin to not putting rice in in "Rice a Roni"! HOWEVER, I do believe you made a similar dish known as "Creole" (shrimp creole, chicken creole, the name includes the meat, creole being the style of preparation). ANYhow, a creole is a stew/soup with virtually the same ingredients as a jambalaya but served OVER white rice. Jambalaya has the rice as an integrated ingredient...


Hi Jo - I guess what I should have set was the intent was Jambalaya - what it ended up being???


::laughing:: Does it matter as long as it was delicious? HEY, I made ma po dou fu according to "Land of Plenty" tonight. Talk about your delicious stuff! Served it with grilled pike mackerel and a Korean multi-grain rice. The rice was outstanding! Sticky, some of the grains a touch chewy, the whole an incredible shade of indigo with darker specks here and there from the black rice. Wow!


Hi Jo - Hey, where was my invite????


In the mail? ::tries to appear innocent:: The ma po tofu was actually better tonight. I "extended" the sauce/gravy by heating it up in chicken bullion and added a shot of chili oil. I used the chili bean paste you brought me in this dish as well. We also had white rice and leftover black beans. Purging the fridge!


Hi Jo - How spicy was it BTW? And how did you like the Sichuan Hot Bean Paste?


Actually, I didn't get it spicy enough. I didn't get the right amount of red chili because the recipe called for powder and I used whole. I'm not sure about the red chili paste either because I used black bean paste for the first time as well. I was very pleased with the background flavors though. The dish had a "Chinesy" (for lack of a better word) flavor that I've never had before in homemade dishes. I still have part of the paste left over and I'm thinking of trying my hand at a Sichuan garlic chili sauce. I don't know if I posted on this, but we had it over steamed sea bass at Chef Chu's a bit ago. I adored it! I'd like to try it over fried shrimp. Another flavor that could have been more heavy was the Sichuan pepper. The more I use it, the more I like it. It has such a lovely perfume as it's toasting.


Hi Jo - I did tell you that Sichuan Peppercorn is addicting, didn't I????


Actually, no, you didn't! ::grins crookedly:: I can see how it can be though! Land of Plenty doesn't have a "garlic chili" sauce that sounds like it would come out like what I had at Chef Chu's. I think I'm going to have to go through several recipes and marry various aspects to get what I want. The garlic! The chili! It was so incredible!!!


hi kirk! thanks for the link to the linkery! ;)

it was just fun to read about the food business from the "other side!"

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