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Monday, 10 October 2005



EEYOUCH!! ::grinning ear to ear:: Great lookin' dog, but I sure do wish I had your nerve there Kirk. High Five!

Grace Park

LOL @ the chubby Chinese girl. I love hot dogs, and spent a good two years in Illinois for college, but I never acquired a taste for Chicago style dogs.


Hi Jo - I just wanted to enjoy my Hot Dog in peace....people like this make a career of ruining the enjoyment of others....

Hi Grace - Funny, I'm not much of a Hot Dog person, though there's something about having a hot dog at the movies. But I enjoy Chicago Dogs, funny, huh? I think it's the celery salt/mustard/onion combo....

clare eats

Hiii!!! Remember me? I used to come visit you awhile ago.....

Casey would love to try these dogs.... they look great, but I want to go to that chinese supermarket, I just keep imaging the damage I could do there :)


YOU GO KIRK!!! See, that kind of sh*t is exactly why I was always afraid of eating solo, and it's people like you I should look up to! Mad props!

BTW, this post didn't have anything to do with Elmo's comment on my Bo 7 Mon post, did it? Hahahahaha--just kidding!!!


Hi Clare - Well I knew you were moving and all, and I was visiting your site while you were checking this out!:o) Hope you feel better soon. You could have a coupla Hot Dogs while shopping at 99 Ranch Market, how does that sound?

Hi Pam - I think maybe the Bo 7 Mon sent me over the edge??? LOL! Actually, eating solo is not the problem. But to tell you the truth, if someone was with me, I might've not done anything...But get between me and my Chicago Dog....


You go, Kirk! You're right--it's hard to look graceful eating a fully-loaded dog. What was she eating, by the way?


What's a hot dog without an overflow of condiments in the same bun falling on the sidewalk. They don't know nothin....


Hi Kirk,

I've never had a Chicago style dog, but I did love Nathan's when I lived in Brooklyn. The shop was right above the DeKalb Avenue train station and I used to walk past that place every day for months before I finally set foot inside. It was a lot different than the hot dogs that I grew up with (anyone say Maui Meat Co?), but they sure were tasty. Gray's Papaya used to make good dogs too. Mmmm.


Hey kirk,

I know how comments like that can really make your day horrible. I got upset once as I had emergency patients and only had 5 minutes for lunch so I ran to the nearest shop which was a bakery and bought an aussie meat pie which I had to eat while walking back. This totally unknown old guy said to me "You should watch your diet and weight eating food like that" Comments like that totally steam my broccoli !! I was too shocked to retort "When I'm on the pension living off other people's tax like you I can stay home and make a salad for lunch"
Anyway, that looked like a really good dog. When I had a roadside dog in NY the sausage was really skinny. I always thought NY dogs had thick sausages. However, the condiments always make them yummy


Hi Angie - They were sitting on the table next to me - waiting for an order from the place next door....

Hi RONW - I'm guessing your back up and running! And you're right!

Hi Reid - Maui hot dogs! With the red dye coming off on your rice(or bun), now you're talking! Actually, if it's not a Chicago Style Dog, I like one with a little "snap", that is the casing a bit firm. I've had Nathan's in Vegas, but I'm sure it's not like the "real" thing.

Hi Rachel - Funny thing, I was really just taking my time with the Dog, didn't even spill anything. She was just one of those people who likes to insult others to make Herself feel better and spoke a little too loud this time!


I had a Nathan's on Coney Island once. Can't even remember it was so long ago. Lived in Tri-Boroughs. Can't remember the name of the station but it was a couple blocks from a White Castle.

Any of you coming to the Bay Area should try "Casper's" hot dogs. It's a natural casing dog with that nice crisp "POP" when you bite into it. My fav regular dog is "Farmer Johns" brand, made in LA.



Sorry to say that that woman did not have any tact, and she had to attack someone to make her feel better.

Your hotdog looks awesome. I love beef hotdogs, but I love having that snap when I bite. Yum


Ugh... people can be so pathetic. Next time you should stick around until her order comes, and then mock her as she eats. Oh well, at least the dog looked good...


jeez, some people have NO manners. I can definitely vouch for Grey's Papaya hotdogs (the toasty bun rocks!), and I've eaten them on the street (72nd and Broadway) in full view of everyone with tons of yummy, smelly onions and saurkraut. So Miss Thang can take her you know what and put it you know where. =)


Hi Jo - For a regular Dog, I like the harder casing too.

Hi Mills - Tact, Class, Manners, whatever....just a sorry person!

Hi Howie - Maybe I should have you make her some of your Ritz Cracker Surprise????

Hi Penny - Make it a double - sounds great, I've got get myself up to NY one day - hopefully soon!

Beth - The Zen Foodist

I'm giving that chubby Chinese girl the virtual evil eye right now! How rude!

I work only a block away from that center. I haven't explored it very much, though. I ate at the sushi place many years ago and of course the Rubio's. Thanks for the report!


Hi Beth - I heard that Barolo, the Italian Restaurant in the Renaissance Center makes pretty good Italian, have you tried them yet?


::arches a brow with both interest and suspicion:: Ritz Cracker Surprise?


Hi Jo - Please read Howie's comments on this post:

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