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Tuesday, 02 August 2005


clare eats

Those wings look so tasty!


Hi Kirk,

Those wings certainly look addicting. I'm sure I could have eaten that entire plate of wings by myself. =P


Is that Sammy or Frankie? I want to say it's Sammy...

Those wings look oh so TummyYummy! How do you suppose they are made? It appears that they were fried first (what seasonings are in the flour? what seasonings on the chicken directly?) then sauced? VERY lightly sauced? That wonderfully bland tofu looks right up my alley! ::laughing:: I love the shitakes and SWEET SWEET peppers!


Wooo, *gulp* Those wings look so appetizing. I'll have to agree with Reid, I could eat the whole plate by myself.

I wonder if the chicken was marinated first then dreged into the flour, and then fried. Then the chili garlic seasoning was placed on top. *pondering* hmmm I might have to experiment on some chicken soon.

clare eats

I love salt and pepper squid mmmmmmm
have you guys managed to procur any sechuan pepper yet?


Those wings look fabuloso!

My mouth is watering!


I've got a bag of wings in the freezer and was thinking the very same thing myself Mills. I need to call you! It's been a crazy day!

As a matter of fact Clare, my classmate brought me a bag to class last Saturday. She also told me where she got it from. She got it from a store that just happens to be VERY close to the home of some friends and we had a play date scheduled for today so after we left their house I scooted right over and picked up 2 bags to send to Kirk! ::laughs:: Amazing how things like that happen! I'll try to get them in the mail tomorrow morning.



Hi Clare - Yes, there's not end to these.

Hi Reid - I've brought an entire tray to parties and they're gone in no time - even by those people who don't like "garlic" or "salty" things....

Hi Jo - The little bugger is Frankie! He's such a clown. The wings are pretty much battered and fried and a topping added.

Hi Mills - I don't think these are marinated. But sounds right on the rest.

Hi Clare - They also do a good salt and pepper spare ribs.

Hi Elmo - Yes, these are pretty addictive - I've had most of the other "crack chicken" - i.e. Furaibo, etc...and these are more addictive IMHO - most addictive chicken since Chicken Alice.

Jo - No Mas! No Mas!



I want to know where that store is!

Just grin and bear it and make something tasty with them!

clare eats

Are you ok Kirk?


Mills - Grin and bear it, huh?

Hi Clare - I'm ok, took a little spill last night - messed up my aging back a little and smacked my head - good thing I landed on my head! But I'm ok.

clare eats

oh that's ok! I just read about it on TT and I was worried!!!


Hi Clare - Thanks, but no worries! Just get that new oven going, ok?


Yes gryn and bear it. *smiles* Stop falling down and hurting yourself! HUGZ I'm glad you are O.K.

clare eats

I AM SO EXCITED! I know then after the bake off I will stop whingeing about it :P hehehhehe


You FINALLY got the new oven Clare? Bake a mustard plaster for Kirk's back would ya? ;o)


Hi Milly - Could have been worse - I could have "tripped over my treet" - another one from Jo's Joke Book....

Hi Clare - I'll await the Vegemite for Dummies post...

Jo - So long it's not mustard plaster baklava - I'll be ok.




Well it wasn't a treet that you fell on your head. ;P But I'm glad your OK. EW mustard baklava! *shudder* the HORROR


Actually, after considering it... how about mustard, corned beef, sour kraut, and a tad of tomato baklava... Sort of like a Rueben?

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